Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello Winter!

It is officially Winter!  This weekend and Monday I was wearing a t-shirt as I wandered around.  Tuesday was still warm, the wind was a bit chilly.  I woke up this morning to being able to see my breath, red nose and finger tips!  It is officially winter!  What better way to greet this season then with a rousing class, disco cycling and hot soup!  I welcomed winter by moving my clothing line inside and stringing it up in my room!  I have also started making Christmas decorations!  Paper Chains are easy to make and mindless to string together!  My paper chains perfectly accent my drying laundry!

In the evening I went to disco cycling again!  Words cannot describe, the room is dark, surrounded by mirrors.  They turn on blue and red lights that flash, there are strobe lights that flicker and green lights that also flash.  Our instructor looks like he has been taking steroids for years, he is extremely huge.  His biceps are huge and only accented by the tiny v neck skin tight shirt.  It must have been about 2 sizes too small.  He was also wearing teeny tiny bicycle shorts.  He played the music very loud and continually shouted at us in Chinese!  My favorite was when he would yell "Hey Hey' and have us chant back "Hey Hey".  Very amusing!  Words cannot describe!

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