My primary school is a reverent joy! I love walking through the gates and being followed by children shouting hello! Now my students will accost me to show me their newest toys. Like China's version of the hacky sack! I think it is called Jiangzi or something. I will have to ask yet again! But you kick it around, the students were thrusting their Jiangzi's at me and asking me to do it. When I kicked it I invariably was unable to kick it more than once. They would say. "Two times.. Two times" I managed to fight my way out of the circle of them, saying I had to go. Then I worked my way up the stairs, getting accosted at each floor with "hello" "What is your name?" and various toys being shown to me. Then I made it to class, taught my 'ly' adverbs lesson. On the way out I met my friend Sarah, but realized I had forgotten my water bottle so I had to walk back through the school. The kids were following us singing "What is your name? A B C D..." it was intensely adorable and enjoyable.
Then we were joined by the other Sarah. As we split up to go our separate ways, I shut the door and realized with horror that I did not have my keys. So I call Teresa no answer, called Michaela she told me to call my liaison, so I called Sunny no answer. So I look at my phone and decide to call Ms. Chan. Ms. Chan doesn't speak any English. So I call her up, at 1:15. Which is in the middle of the siesta time, she sleepily answered..
"Wei?" (hello?)
"Zhe shi Patty, wo wang wo de yaoshi" (This is Patty, I forgot my key)
"oh Patty.... *something something* ni de yaoshi? *something something* liang dian, hao ah?" (your key? 2:00, ok?)
"Liang Dian, hao ba!" (2:00 ok!)
So I wandered off to the soccer field to see my friend Wayne. Wayne showed me around the Orange Isle Music Festival, and helped me buy a beer. Before I remembered that he was a student at my school! But he had invited me to watch a game. It turns out this game was Yi Zhong (my school) versus Yali (another school). It was a fairly legit game. There was a student who was acting as Ref, no one had on uniforms besides their school uniforms. And it was really fun to watch the game unfold. Cheering when we scored. Clapping when someone on the Yali team managed to score a goal from the kick off. He sent is flying straight into the goal. It was impressive! The game ended at 2, when it was time to go back to class. Because of the bad weather the 2nd day of Sports day was canceled so I didn't have to run at 2. Like I was supposed to! But I was a little sad.
So with the game over I headed back to my house to wait for Ms. Chen. I was sitting in front of my door when my neighbor came out. This is the same neighbor that I gave a giant watermelon to on Mid-Autumn Festival. She saw me and immediately understood. She said "Ni de yaoshi?" I nodded sadly and pointed at the door. She smiled and pulled out her cellphone. And called someone. I could understand the gist of her conversation which was something along the lines of. "The foreign teacher is locked out.. oh you are coming. Ok." Then she invited me into her extremely nice apartment, gave me tea and a pear! We chatted a bit, in broken English and Chinese. Ms. Chen showed up to open the door just as my liaison called me back. I thanked everyone, and went into my house. I can't imagine being locked out of my house could be so nice. I finally know my neighbor's name. Peng Jiang (I think...). She is a teacher at Yi Zhong. My goal of being friends with my neighbors doesn't not seem so distant now!
As I think of my trip to Beijing I am reminded of a list of people that I want to get presents for: Mr. Gao (the vp of Yi Zhong) who gave me 500 yuan for national day, Ms. Chen, Sunny, Momo, Peng jiang, Lucy Yi, Pan, and Amanda. All these people make my life a bit easier and make me feel welcome everyday. As I watch the torrential rain, I can't help but be thankful that Beijing is far away from Changsha.
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! I am hearing the fireworks already!
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